Burn Scar Massage

Combined with traditional medical treatment, burn scar massage therapy is an effective means to controlling the development of scar tissue and helping burn victims to heal more quickly with full range of motion and less itching and pain.  When a burn occurs, the injury may take months to fully reveal itself in scarring and loss of mobility.  Burned skin needs special care and burn scar massage therapy is a highly-effective tool for promoting health, healing and skin rejuvenation.  Soothing and restorative, this type of massage helps to keep burned skin soft and supple as it heals and helps burn victims to enjoy better functioning in their daily lives during recovery.

Once a burn scar has matured past the threat of shearing, or pulling away from healthy tissue, many doctors advise their patients to undergo burn scar massage therapy as a part of their recovery treatment plan.  Performed at least once a day during the critical healing period, burn scar therapy combines gentle massage strokes, pressure, skin moisturizers and heat.  The result is more flexible skin, less pain and itching and less-noticeable scarring.

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Hours Of Operation


9:00 am-6:00 pm




9:00 am-6:00 pm




9:00 am-6:00 pm



